Patriarchal Blessing - Charles Lewis Robinson
Given - August 4, 1922
(Charles Lewis Robinson - Deon R. Hulbert's Father)
A blessing given under the hands of Harrison Sperry upon the head of Charles Lewis Robinson, the son of Richard and Maria Robinson. Born at Grantsville, October 8, 1889.
Charles Lewis Robinson as a servant of the Lord, I place my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal blessing.
Thou are one of Lord's, noble, pure, and lovely children and your father in heaven is pleased with you.
When you were with your father in the spirit world, you were faithful and true, and you did keep your first estate.
For your faithfulness, he has placed you here upon the earth that you might be born of a noble mother and receive this tabernacle. For without a tabernacle, you could never have progressed from here behind the veil.
You realized this before you left the spirit world. It's your great desire to come to the earth and have a great experience that you might be required that the Lord may assign unto you.
You are placed upon the earth for a wise and noble purpose. That you might have the privilege of becoming a husband and father. That you take an active part in the great work of the Lord.
You will be placed in a most responsible post that will require the spirit of the Lord to guide you. For you are blessed with a noble talent and the Lord designs you should use that talent in his favor and the spirit of the Lord will thrill through your whole being. The duties will teach you that talent. Be faithful, for you are assigned to be one of God's noble leaders in Zion.
His hand is over you for good and your days shall be long in his land, even as long as you desire to dwell in mortality.
You will be blessed with many friends who will delight to converse with you for they will realize that you are inspired by the Lord.
The blood of Israel runs in your veins; in your body. Your name is written with the noble ones.
Thou art of Ephraim. This is the son of Joseph that was sold into Egypt and received his blessing from his grandfather Jacob.
I place my hands upon your head and I seal you up to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, where upon you will be crowned with the glory, immortality and eternal life. And there will be a glorious mansion prepared for you with your family and those noble ones you love. You will be one who will have great influence in your father's house.
Be faithful and this blessing is yours, for I seal it upon your head and by the authority of the Priesthood which I hold and I do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
By Harrison Sperry