Eda Martine Erickson

Carl Hulbert's Grandmother (Mother's Side)
Writing a letter to her sister Minnie Taylor


March 11, 1912

Mrs. Minnie Taylor

My Dear Sister:

Just a line or two to send you our congratulations on your
anniversary and hope you may have as many more as you can
possibly care for, and that your health may be good, and
your life not burdened with too many cares or sorrows.  Of
course, we must all have some cross to bear it seems or we
would not be in the swim, ha, ha.  All the same, perhaps it
is best to know the bitter in order to better appreciate the
sweet and we have much to be thankful for.

I worry and feel so angry about that dear baby of Josie's
and do so hope he may live.  Write and tell me honestly what
you think about him.  We are all fairly well or that I am
fairly well and the rest is well.  Have been so busy since I
got home trying to get my rug rags ready but have so many
orders for flowers in between times that it takes me so
long.  There are so many dying here lately that it scares us
to see it.

Well, dear sister, I must close, as my family is beginning
to stir and that means no more peace until after school time
and I want this to go today.  I guess you will all have
coffee etc., together today, so please eat some for me and
think of me.  Oh, I do so wish I could soon hear good news
from baby.

Hoping this may find you all well and feeling good is the
wish of your loving sister.

Loving Sister,


Except this very small token.

Eda Martine Erickson