Clemency L. Casper Neel - Patriarchal Blessing

(Deon R. Hulbert's Great Grandmother - Mother's Side)

At a blessing meeting held in the Lord's House in Kirtland.  This the 12th April

Joseph Smith, son of the Patriarch of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, being
present and holding the meeting, a patriarchal blessing was conferred upon the head
of Clemency L. Casper Neel, born in the town of Bellville, Richland Co., Ohio, the
19th of July 1816.

Sister, in the name of Jesus Christ the righteous ever Jesus of Nazareth, I lay my
hands on they head and pronounce a blessing on thy head which ought to come from thy
father thou hast left his house and home to come to this stake in Zion.  Thou hast
been baptized for the remission of thy sins and by so doing, thou hast obeyed the
gospel.  Thy heart is set on thy friends whom thou hast left behind thee.

God has had his eyes over thee from all eternity he has known thy heart and hast
seen all thy ways.  He hast written thy name in heaven in his book of life.  If thou
wilt be faithful in keeping the commandments of God, angels shall seal they name to
in the lamb's book of life so that the enemy shall not have power over this to cause
thy name to be blotted out the angels of his presents rejoice over thee.  Thou hast
had fears respecting thyself.  Thou must dismiss thy fears and have confidence in
God.  Thy mind has been darkened and thou hast had doubts not knowing that thy
redeemer lives.  The enemy desires to deceive thee and thine.  Thy soul, thy heart
has been pained on account of others iniquities thou must study to be wise and not
let the evil conduct of others ruin thee. Thou will look to God.  Thou shall not be
deceived.  His angels shall hover over thee and grant thee their protection.  God
looks on thee and knows thy care.  Thou shalt have a residence in the city of Zion.
Thy friends shall be with thee there if those have any distress on thy mind
concerning them.  Thou must leave this in the hands of God.  The Lord in due time
will give you a companion.  Thou shall have posterity who shall dwell with thee in
the land of Zion.  The Lord thy God will prolong thy life on this earth if thou have
faith.  Thou shall live to see children of the third generation.  Thou hast desired
in thy heart to see great things.  Thou hast desired to see the gathering of the
house of Israel to see thy savior come in the clouds of heaven.  Thou must instruct
many of thy friends in the principles of righteousness.  Thy life shall be given
thee and shall be honored in the earth if thou desire it.  Thou shall sit as queen
and have many servants and maid servants.  Thou shall have the blessings of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob conferred on thee or as many of them as thou comst.  This is thy
blessing and the blessings of heaven and earth in the name of Jesus Christ.  I seal
them on thy head by the power of the holy priesthood.  I seal thee up to eternal
life.  Amen.

                    Clemency L. Casper Neel